Boosting Go Performance - Understanding CPU Memory Access and Struct Padding

Understanding CPU Memory Access and Optimizing Memory Structures in Go

In computer systems, CPU memory access is a critical aspect governed by alignment and padding principles. This article delves into the standard behavior of how CPUs access memory and the impact of struct padding, focusing on memory optimization techniques in the Go programming language.

The Challenge: Aligned Access and Padding

The CPU accesses memory by a single memory word at a time, aligning with the largest primitive data type. However, when the highest and lowest bytes of data are not in the same memory word, it triggers multiple operations, leading to complex coordination and performance challenges.

Demystifying Padding

Padding, often overlooked, plays a crucial role in maintaining proper alignment within data structures. Compilers insert additional unnamed data members to align structure members correctly. This article explores the nuances of when and why padding is introduced, shedding light on its impact on memory utilization.

Case Study: Memory Padding in Go Structs

To illustrate these concepts, let’s analyze a real-world example in Go:

type UnOptimizedStruct struct {
  aBool   bool    // 1 byte
  aFloat  float64 // 8 bytes
  aInt    int32   // 4 bytes

Unraveling Go Memory Optimization: Taming the Padding Beast

Surprisingly, an instance of this struct consumes 24 bytes, not the expected 13. The culprit? Padding. This article dissects the memory allocation process, explaining why each member introduces padding and how it affects the overall memory footprint.

Optimization Strategies: Reordering for Efficiency

The key to efficient memory usage lies in strategic struct member ordering. By rearranging the struct members, we can significantly reduce padding and optimize memory utilization. Consider the following rearrangement:

type OptimizedStruct struct {
  aFloat float64 // 8 bytes
  aBool  bool    // 1 byte
  aInt   int32   // 4 bytes

This simple adjustment reduces the memory consumption to just 16 bytes, showcasing the impact of thoughtful struct design on performance.


In conclusion, understanding CPU memory access, alignment, and padding is crucial for optimizing memory structures, especially in languages like Go. By implementing strategic struct designs, developers can significantly improve memory utilization and overall system performance.